David & Diana


David and Diana

David and Diana began dancing at the same evening college ‘Learn to Ballroom Dance’ class on the same night as Carole and I in 1996. Three years later, Carole and I launched our first social dance and two years later Diana & David began to train as dance teachers.

Today, they are the leading dance school in our home area and teach four days a week, plus host social dances and other dance related events. David stands in as guest host for me on our local events when we have to be away for holidays and David and Diana teach sequence on our South West holidays.

David is the most patient man I know, an asset which transfers to their teaching and our guests know that however many times they need to ask a question during the sequence lessons, he will take them through the steps or timing as often as they need….

David and Diana have been teaching for holidays4dancers since 2006 and their easy style is loved by all our dancers… as a result, they have a regular following on all our sequence related dance breaks.

David and Diana’s Website

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